  Public Ticket #2782798
Off Canvas Menu text


  • LukeWilde42 started the conversation

    How can I change text link to the Off Canvas Menu so that instead of 'Menu' it shows something different? I can't find any areas to update this text. Thanks!

  •  1,986
    Judith replied

    Hi Luke,

    Thanks for keeping in touch.

    Try using this Plugin : https://wordpress.org/plugins/say-what/ . 

    In The "Text Domain" field write "salient" without quotes . The fields are case-sensitive.

    Please put in menu text on the original string and replacement string as the string you would want to change it to.



  • LukeWilde42 replied

    Hi Judith, this worked perfectly thank you. Is there a way to change the text again so that when the off canvas menu is activated the text changes to 'close' next to the 'X' symbol? I'm not sure what the original text string bit for when it's open would be?

  •  1,986
    Judith replied

    Hi There,

    I am afraid, this is not possible at the moment as it would require custom edits which are beyond our scope of support.
