  Public Ticket #280807
Portfolio Featured Image Sizes


  • Adam started the conversation

    I am loving this theme, I don't have many issues with it as it is working great for me.  I do have an ask for some help though since I want to limit my featured images in the Portfolio View to a certain size but cannot find out where.  All images seem the same size but one particular image (See Attached).  Any help on this? I cannot find in the .css file where the code is to then add it to the custom .css section for the page.

  • Adam replied

    Here is also another example when I use full width instead of just 4 column like I posted above.  I thought the images would automatically display in a certain size for all of them no matter what layout.

  •  9,090
    Tahir replied

    Hey Adam!

    No i am afraid it does not size automatically and you will have to resize them accrodingly. For more info on Image sizes please see user-guide: http://themenectar.com/docs/salient.pdf


    ThemeNectar Support Team