  Public Ticket #2841983
Change colours and remove catergories at bottom of all pages


  • ameliachoucane started the conversation

    Hi, I have three things I need help with please. I'd appreciate some help.

    1. I want to change the colour of this page https://www.amelias.blog/blog (its black and I want it grey). I tried using this code but it didn't do anything:

    body.page-id-6138 .row-bg.using-bg-color {
        background-color: #3a404e

    2. I want to change the main title font colour on this page:  https://www.amelias.blog/midwifery/ (the title Midwifery) and the font style as well. How can I go about customising this?

    3. I have a 'categories' section at the bottom of every page, how can I remove this? 

    Many thanks for your help! 

    Kind regards,


  •  3,054
    Andrew replied

    Hi Amelia,

    Thanks for writing in.

    1. Use the following CSS.

    body.page-id-5861 .row-bg.using-bg-color {
        background-color: #3a404e!important;

    2. To change the colour of the main title, use the following CSS.

    .row .col.section-title h1 {
        color: blue;

    To change the font, please have a look at this article :Add a Custom Font

    You can also use a Plugin as its the easiest option available: https://wordpress.org/plugins/use-any-font/.

    3. Use the following CSS.

    #footer-outer > #footer-widgets > .container {
        display: none;
