  Public Ticket #2869511
Google Search


  • msherstenka started the conversation

    Hi there, currently been using this theme and I received a notification from Google Search stating: 

    “Clickable elements too close together”

    “Content wider than screen”

    Please let me know why this is. Thanks

  •  3,054
    Andrew replied

    Hey there,

    Try deactivating the Autoptimize Plugin and check if that makes a difference. Also, try adjusting this feature in the Salient Theme Options Panel: 

    6666028732.pngClick To Open Larger Image.


  • msherstenka replied

    Hi there, I don’t use the Autoptimize plugin on my site but I will switch that to off to see if that works?

  •  3,054
    Andrew replied

    Hi again,

    Try turning off any optimization plugin that you have, if any.
