  Public Ticket #2872911
Portfolio Grid Design


  •  1
    Megan started the conversation

    I am trying to achieve a very similar grid style for my portfolio section. I want to display them (like in the screenshot) and when the user hovers, it shows the title with a darken effect. 

    How can I achieve this with Salient theme?

    Thank you.  

  •  3,054
    Andrew replied

    Hi Megan,

    Use the portfolio element for this. Set the Project Style to Meta on hover w/zoom


    Also, turn off masonry-style so that the items are displayed in a fixed grid.

  •  1
    Megan replied

    Thank you!

    Also I noticed that my first item it not fixed with the other set up items. Do you know why this happening?

  •  9,059
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Try adjusting this field and check:  

    7633082852.pngClick on Image to View Larger


    ThemeNectar Support Team