  Public Ticket #287444
Revolution Slider Squishes Height of images


  • Adam started the conversation

    I am having an issue with the Revolution Slider - when the page loads for the first time, the slider does not load correctly. It vertically squishes the height of the images. When I refresh the page or change the window size, the slider loads correctly, but the first page load is obviously the most important.  I have attached a photo to show you the problem (why can't I upload more than one file, by the way?). The top screenshot of the photo is how the slider should display, the bottom screenshot is how it actually displays.

    I embedded the slider using the visual composer - it is wrapped in a full width section: [full_width_section bg_pos="Center Center" bg_repeat="No-Repeat" text_color="dark" top_padding="0" bottom_padding="0" background_color="#f5f5f5" type="full_width_content" text_align="center"][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_column_text][rev_slider home][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/full_width_section]

    I saw on the themeforest comments section that you recommend embedding the slider in the page template rather than using the visual composer. Is that necessary? If so, can you please tell me exactly where to place the code (and what code to place?). This would be a less ideal solution because I would have to redo it every time I update the theme, as the template would get overwritten. 



  •  9,092
    Tahir replied

    Hey Adam!

    You can add it to the top page element via Visual composer. Simply place a text box and put the revolution shortcode in it. After that please provide the page url so i can see why its squishing . Also please provide wp-admin login details so we can have a look at the settings. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •   Adam replied privately
  •  9,092
    Tahir replied

    Hey Adam!

    I am afraid you cant lay a layer on the grey panel as it cant be placed given the page html structure. If you really need it you will have to fake it by adding a 10px grey layer at the bottom in Revolution Slider.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Adam replied


    I'm not sure what you mean. We aren't overlaying the page at all... The slider background simply has a 10px or so gray section at the bottom so it actually looks like it's overlaying the page when in fact it isn't.

    It's very strange to me why on the first load it squishes the elements but on the refresh everything displays correctly... I'm using the exact same Revolution Slider settings that I'm using on other websites... it's bizarre how it's not working here. Can you guys login and take a quick look?

    Login URL: http://hideseekmedia.wpengine.com/wp-admin

    Username: nectar-admin

    PW: #45a3e7!RR7-0


  •  9,092
    Tahir replied

    Seems like you got it sorted. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team