  Public Ticket #2879935
Salient theme blocks video gallery from showing at the frontend


  • maart_k started the conversation

    I wanted to make a gallery with both images and videos. I used SimpLy's plugin for that (Gallery Blocks with Lightbox. Image Gallery, (HTML5 video , YouTube, Vimeo) Video Gallery and Lightbox for native gallery). It works all well and good in the backend, but frontend it displays video as blank. I can play that, but then only the sound starts playing. I have provided a page also for that, that includes one video and one image in the gallery. I am using your Salient theme and I have verified with the plugins author that it gotta do something with the theme. I have tried disabling all the plugins and stuff, but no luck. I know that my support time is over for my purchase, but I have never ever contacted and use the support before. Maybe you can help? :)

  •   maart_k replied privately
  •  1,098
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey maart_k,

    Currently, I am able to see the video when opening the lightbox from your test page: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ys5ch64g0qjygm/2021-09-24%2009-16-26.mp4?dl=0

    If you're not able to see the same, please let me know which browser/OS you're using.

    Kind regards,

  • maart_k replied

    Oh, it must've worked then, right now it works for me, too. I forgot to clear the cache after I made some changes, that's why I guess it didn't show up. 

    What I did:

    The plugin author discovered, that in the theme style.css file, there is a code: video, audio visibilty: hidden. (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/videos-wont-show-on-the-frontend/#post-14905260)

    I changed the style.css file, so ir would say visibilty:visible.

    But I don't know, I feel i got just lucky here. And I guess after the theme updates, I have to do it again. Any more permanent solutions? Thanks :) 

  •  1,986
    Judith replied

    Hi Maart,

    We do not support issues with third party plugins. However I believe this could be a case of plugin conflicts on the css files. We may not tell how this happens because when a third party is introduced then inconsistencies are bound to occur.


  •  1,098
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey maart_k,

    Instead of modifying the style.css file, you can also add the following into the custom CSS box in the Salient options panel > General settings > CSS/Script related tab:

    .pgc-rev-slider-page-view video {
      visibility: visible;
