My website uses Open Sans custom font for all elements in the Salient Typography settings. Since updating my iPhone and iPad to iOS 8, those devices don't seem to load Open Sans. It appears to be Times or some other serif font. This happens for Safari and Chrome in iOS 8.
I don't have any mobile devices to test with which don't have iOS 8, but when I view it at 320px wide in Safari on my Macbook, the fonts look fine (Open Sans is used). Other google fonts that I've used with other Wordpress themes on different sites seem to work fine on iOS 8. I also know that did load the Open Sans font properly in the past (pre-iOS 8).
I tried setting a fallback font in my custom CSS, but it's not having any effect. Do you have any suggestions?
Hey Eric, I'm in the process of testing with ios8 - I hope to sort out all the kinks that version brought in the upcoming release due out in a few days
My website uses Open Sans custom font for all elements in the Salient Typography settings. Since updating my iPhone and iPad to iOS 8, those devices don't seem to load Open Sans. It appears to be Times or some other serif font. This happens for Safari and Chrome in iOS 8.
I don't have any mobile devices to test with which don't have iOS 8, but when I view it at 320px wide in Safari on my Macbook, the fonts look fine (Open Sans is used). Other google fonts that I've used with other Wordpress themes on different sites seem to work fine on iOS 8. I also know that did load the Open Sans font properly in the past (pre-iOS 8).
I tried setting a fallback font in my custom CSS, but it's not having any effect. Do you have any suggestions?
Hey Eric, I'm in the process of testing with ios8 - I hope to sort out all the kinks that version brought in the upcoming release due out in a few days
Fixed in latest update. Thanks.