Using the backend editor, where the page has multiple 'Image Gallery' elements (let's say 10 image galleries), each with a number of images (again, let's say 10 images in each)
*Yes - an excessive use of images, but in our client's case - the images on the front-end are lazy loaded in only when needed
Hundreds of requests to wp-admin/admin-ajax.php are sent:
1x request for each image (made by plugins/js_composer_salient/assets/js/vendors/seo.js)
Additionally 1x request is made for each image gallery (made by plugins/js_composer_salient/assets/js/dist/backend.min.js)
In our case, just loading this page from the Wordpress admin brings down the server temporarily (508 http response) as over 100 requests are sent to the server at one time.
Thanks for reporting this. It looks as though the newer logic WPBkaery has added in to allow Yoast/Math Rank to see images could use refining. I've altered that portion of the seo.js code to send the images in a bulk request to prevent this from occurring. If you'd like to access this change prior to the upcoming release, you can download the pre-release 13.1 of Salient from here:
After updating the theme, ensure to also update the Salient WPBakery page builder to get the change.
In our case, just loading this page from the Wordpress admin brings down the server temporarily (508 http response) as over 100 requests are sent to the server at one time.
Hey Again,
Thanks for writing in, escalating this to the developer for further response.
ThemeNectar Support Team
Hey nbm,
Thanks for reporting this. It looks as though the newer logic WPBkaery has added in to allow Yoast/Math Rank to see images could use refining. I've altered that portion of the seo.js code to send the images in a bulk request to prevent this from occurring. If you'd like to access this change prior to the upcoming release, you can download the pre-release 13.1 of Salient from here:
After updating the theme, ensure to also update the Salient WPBakery page builder to get the change.
Kind regards,