You should allow decimals for the milestones. For example, I've currently taken 1,447 photographs and would like my milestone to say 1.4k photographs. For now, it simply reverts to 1k photographs. Just a suggestion to allow for a more accurate milestone if possible!
Hey Tahir! Just checking to see if there's a workaround for this. I wanted to put "1.5" college degrees (the half is actually a great conversation point), but like Minter it's only rendering "1." Any advice?
You should allow decimals for the milestones. For example, I've currently taken 1,447 photographs and would like my milestone to say 1.4k photographs. For now, it simply reverts to 1k photographs. Just a suggestion to allow for a more accurate milestone if possible!
Hey Minter!
Have added it to the wishlist.
ThemeNectar Support Team
Hey Tahir! Just checking to see if there's a workaround for this. I wanted to put "1.5" college degrees (the half is actually a great conversation point), but like Minter it's only rendering "1." Any advice?
I am afraid it has not yet made it to the update. You can check the changelog incase i missed it : .
ThemeNectar Support Team