  Public Ticket #293420
ios 7 - Recent Projects and Parallax Background


  • Bliss started the conversation

    Edit....update 4.8.1 resolved the blurry parallax background images. Thank you.

    But still this....

    1. Recent Projects element - Meta from bottom on hover +entire thumb link.

    The hover effect does not work on iOS 7 tablet. It does work on full desktop browsers.

    You can view it here (the 3 horizontal boxes): www.dalintis.com

    2. Pagination does not show while holding an iOS 7 tablet vertically

    • View this page: www.dalintis.com/music
    • Hold your iPad horizontally (with home button on the side)
    • Now turn it upright...the pagination disappears.

    Apologies for the slow loading pages. My web host is subpar.

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey - 1. The hover effects for portfolio items are turned off in mobile and just act as straight links - if you want to always show the project meta that could be possible with css though. 2. add this into the custom css box located in your Salient Options panel: 

    .blog-fullwidth-wrap #post-area.masonry {
    	margin-bottom: 83px !important;
  • Bliss replied

    thank you, that worked :)