  Public Ticket #293981
Video Background Not Working


  • Bret started the conversation


    I am having an issue where the video backgrounds don't work. I am using your videos for testing purposes. When I add the AddType into .htacess it crashes the server. I checked the server config and these MIME types are listed.

    IF both mp4 and wemb are uploaded on a slide post, the video slider works in IE/Safari but crashes Chrome/FF. If I remove the mp4 file from the post then the video slider works in Chrome/FF and obviously not in IE/Chrome. 

    So it seems the issue is related to the site not being able to determine the appropriate video to serve up based of the browser? Any suggestions or advice on this? 

    Thanks! By the way, I have worked with a ton of themes over the years and this is hands down the nicest theme I have used. Thank you.

  • Bret replied


    1) The slider videos on the site developed locally works fine

    2) The site migrated to the live server does not

    3) A clean install on the live server DOES work

    4) All plugins disabled on the live site does not change issue

    Therefore the issue is not related to the theme, it must be related to that specific install. If you happen to have any suggestions for me it would be appreciated. 


  • Bret replied

    It seems the HTML output between the live and local site (which should be identical copies) is different - in the local version that works the videos are using the video tag and the live version they use an embed tag.

  •  9,094
    Tahir replied

    Hey Bret!

    Do both installs have the same WP version  ? . The video embeds functionality was changed in the latest WP version. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Bret replied

    Indeed - v4

  • Bret replied

    In the functions.php, when I comment out either or of the if statements printing the videos it works, like this: 

    	<video class="slider-video" width="1800" height="700" preload="auto" loop autoplay>';
    										    if(!empty($video_webm)) { $slider .= '<source type="video/webm" src="'.$video_webm.'">'; }
    										    //if(!empty($video_mp4)) { $slider .= '<source type="video/mp4" src="'.$video_mp4.'">'; }
    										    if(!empty($video_ogv)) { $slider .= '<source type="video/ogg" src="'. $video_ogv.'">'; }
    									$slider .='</video>

    When I print the variables without the Video tag the source is correct. So it seems that when BOTH videos are present something (presumably) JS is changing the tag from video to embed, causing the issue. Just not able to tell what.

  •  9,094
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again!

    Are you running the latest theme version 4.8.1 . Also could you please provide the wp-admin login details so we can have a look. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •   Bret replied privately
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey! Unfortunately those credentials don't seem to be working for me - could you verify they're correct?

  •   Bret replied privately
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Very sorry to report that the amended password is still not allowing me access

  •   Bret replied privately
  •   Bret replied privately
  •   Bret replied privately
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey - when I add the video BG's for your slide on http://bretglassett.com/ it seems to be rendering in Chrome/Firefox - what OS are you using?

  • Bret replied


    Interesting. OSX 10.9.5 with Chrome 38 and Firefox 27.0.1 both do not work for me. However Safari 7.1 does. 

    Then on Windows 7, both Chrome and FF work fine.

    What version are you on?

    Here is the testing URL again:


    Seems related to FF/Chrome Mac. 

  • [deleted] replied

    I am having a similar problem, where using the video background is crashing on Chrome and FF with Win7_64.  I have added the types to the .htaccess file.  


  •  9,094
    Tahir replied

    Hey Zach!

    Did you try running the videos through the online convertors. Also Can you share your site url .


    ThemeNectar Support Team