body #header-outer .mobile-header li:not([class*="button_"]) > a .menu-title-text:after, #header-outer[data-lhe="animated_underline"]:not([data-format="left-header"]) nav > ul > li:not([class*="button_"]) > a .menu-title-text:after, body.material #slide-out-widget-area[class*="slide-out-from-right"] .off-canvas-menu-container li a:after, body.material #slide-out-widget-area[class*="slide-out-from-right"] .off-canvas-menu-container .nectar-menu-item-with-icon .menu-title-text:after, body #slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen-split .off-canvas-menu-container .nectar-menu-item-with-icon .menu-title-text:after, #header-secondary-outer[data-lhe="animated_underline"] nav >.sf-menu >li >a .menu-title-text:after, #slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen-split .inner .off-canvas-menu-container li a:after, #slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen-inline-images .inner .off-canvas-menu-container li a span:after { border-top-width: 0px; }
#top nav > ul > li > a, .span_3 .pull-left-wrap > ul > li > a, body.material #search-outer #search input[type="text"], #top ul .slide-out-widget-area-toggle a i.label, #top .span_9 > .slide-out-widget-area-toggle a.using-label .label, #header-secondary-outer .nectar-center-text, #slide-out-widget-area .secondary-header-text, #header-outer #mobile-menu ul li a, #header-outer #mobile-menu .secondary-header-text, a { font-size: 13px; }
@media only screen and (min-width: 1000px){ #slide-out-widget-area.slide-out-from-right { min-width: 36.3px; }
But I need to change the width and font size within the open off canvas menu (see screenshot). And I want to deactivate the animated underlining (see screenshot).
We would recommend having your website url so that we can give accurate css depending on your layout as the layout would be different from the one I am using. Please let us know once you are live so that we can inspect and assist further.
I need some custom CCS from you guys:
a) deactivating animated underlines in my off canvas menu
b) change of font size of menu items
c) change the width of my slide-open-menu
Thanx a lot
Hi Hans,
Thanks for keeping in touch.
Please send in your website url.
Hi Judith,
My site I#m working on is in staged modus that is why I cannot send you a link. I use Material design
Does this help?
Hi Hans,
1. Please try this css:
Hi Judith,
thanks for replying so quickly.
3. has no effect.
2. changes the header main menu
1. what does it?
But I need to change the width and font size within the open off canvas menu (see screenshot). And I want to deactivate the animated underlining (see screenshot).
Hi Hans,
We would recommend having your website url so that we can give accurate css depending on your layout as the layout would be different from the one I am using. Please let us know once you are live so that we can inspect and assist further.