  Public Ticket #295569
Arghh - Video issues now on iPad? 4.8?


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    P started the conversation

    Hi Tahir -

    I have a video background on my home page:


    Before it was working fine on iPad/iPhone. I Have relevant media types added in .htaccess, and have webm and mp4 files.

    I think this is due to salient as I have performed some tests:

    I made a new page and just used the WP video short codes:


    This is completely messed up under Salient when I view on iPad

    But - I changed theme to twenty fourteen and it is fine on iPad.

    Could you please take a look as I am unable to figure out why salient is causing both a straight video short code to fail on iPad and also failing to load video from Nectar - I presume this are related.

    And just to clarify - when I switch themes to twenty fourteen - I can view the www.wanwumedia.com/testVid fine on iPad.

    User: tahir
    Pass: tahir2014

    `thanks - really confused as to why it has stopped working - is it 4.8?

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    P replied

    Hi Tahir - Update:

    I made a fresh clean installation of Salient on 


    I've made one page, and inserted on slide for Nectar. Added both .mp4 and .webm video. Add media types to .htaccess.

    And www.deekwa.com/salient/home

    is the page which does not display on iPad / iPhone?

    How can I debug this? Am stuck

    You can login with u: tahir p:tahir2014

    Thanks, Tahir!


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    P replied

    Hi Tahir - 

    I notice in Safari when I used iPad as user agent, there is NO Html being produced for nectar video.

    All get is mobile-video-image:

    <div class="mobile-video-image" div style="background-image: url(http://www.wanwumedia.com/); display: block;"> <span></span> </div>

    Is this why I get no video now on iPad?

    Can you tell me where to stop this HTML being created, and perform correct call for mobile video?

    Am really trying to work this out - it's the last thing before I can launch the site.

    Please help asap!

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    P replied

    I think it's this code:

    if($background_type == 'video_bg') {

    $slider .= '

    <div style="background-image: url('.$poster.')"> <span></span> </div>

    <video width="1800" height="700" preload="auto" loop autoplay>';

    if(!empty($video_webm)) { $slider .= '<source type="video/webm" src="'.$video_webm.'">'; }
    if(!empty($video_mp4)) { $slider .= '<source type="video/mp4" src="'.$video_mp4.'">'; }
    if(!empty($video_ogv)) { $slider .= '<source type="video/ogg" src="'. $video_ogv.'">'; }

    $slider .='</video>



    It's really hard to debug for mobile - so not sure if this is reason we have no video mobile.

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied


    Nectar Slider & Video BG's within rows always have been replaced with a static image on mobile devices - it seems you don't have one set for www.deekwa.com/salient/home

    on the page where you're using the raw WP video shortcode


    I can see the bottom video working on iPad because you have an mp4 supplied, but the top one is blank since you only have a webm - both videos display no preview image until played since it appears you didn't add one. Is that correct or are you expericing something different on your end?


  •  1
    P replied

    Thanks for getting back to me. Regarding your point: 

    "Nectar Slider & Video BG's within rows always have been replaced with a static image on mobile devices"

    ok - I must have been thinking of another theme that I was using.


    1. http://www.wanwumedia.com/testvid/

    Yes, the bottom video shortcode plays. But notice that it doesn't fit the container - I can't get it to adjust:


    Thanks for getting back to me.

    Ok. Let me try to clarify what's happening!

    1. http://www.wanwumedia.com/testvid/

    Yes, the bottom video shortcode plays. But notice that it doesn't fit the container - I can't get it to adjust:

    ["video width=1280 height=400âmp4=http://deekwa.com/dev/wp-video/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Ink-Study.mp4][/video"]

    or video width="100%" - none of these seem to make any difference to the video size, yet when I switch to twenty-fourteen theme,  it does?

    2. http://www.wanwumedia.com/wanwu-ecommerce/

    This page has an .mp4 and a .webm in the Nectar Slider. And it has a preview image. So as you say - the preview image appears for mobile (and iPad). I would really as per above point like the mp4 to play on iPad.... If this is not possible, then ok.

    However - as you see (just like the /testvid/ page above, the video shortcode is not working properly on iPad. (screenshot attached). 

    So I can't basically seem to get video to play through Salient either through Nectar or using just standard video short-code?

    If I could just get the [video] short-code tow work - i.e. scale / fit - then I  could probably work around the Nectar slider not playing video on 'mobile'.

    Look forward to your response!

    Many thanks


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    P replied

    p.s. Tahir - when I try and view the homepage on safari, it has issues - can you look? The video seems to stall randomly - and only plays if I interact somewhat with the homepage. Why is this? Chrom & Firefox are fine (I know they play the .webm). But the .mp4 should be playing immediately on Safari as well without this delay/erratic behavior?