  Public Ticket #2956406


  •  11
    fedegbatista started the conversation

    Hi, I am trying to reduce the space between each image on the carrousel but the space on the right 

    is not changing at all, whenever I tried something it just reduce the image size.

    This is how it looks:


     And this is what I'd like to achieve.


    As you can see the space on the right  between each image is way less.

    Is there any way to achieve this or is not possible?

    Thanks in advance


  •  3,054
    Andrew replied

    Hi there,

    On which page is this happening. Kindly share the link so that we can troubleshoot more and advise.


  •  11
    fedegbatista replied

    Hi It's happening here in Our client section, I managed to reduced a little bit uploading new pics and doesn't look too bad, but if you can tell me the way to reduce it even more would be great.


    Since you are here, right above the " Our Clients" section I am using 6 team member modules which I managed to change the background using the following code:

    .team-member[data-style="meta_overlaid_alt"]:after {
        background: linear-gradient(to top,#64A9FF 0%,rgba(100,169,255,0) 100%) !important;

    Is there any way to have it the other way around? I mean to start with the background above and when the user hover just move the title a bit like it's doing now. 


    Kind regards

  •  3,054
    Andrew replied

    Hello again,

    The following CSS might help.

    .team-member[data-style=meta_overlaid_alt]:hover:after {
        opacity: 0;
    .team-member[data-style=meta_overlaid_alt]:after {
        opacity: 1;
    .img-with-aniamtion-wrap[data-max-width="75%"] .inner {
        max-width: 88%;
