Hello there, since one of the last update of salient, we can now configure the header search form to limit search by post type.
I've set in to Products because it's a WooCommerce website :Click on Image to View Larger
That is working, that display only products from ajax display. Click on Image to View Larger
BUT, as you can see on this example, there is product to 0€, it's normal it's my hidden products. i've configure these product to NOT SHOWING on shop and search results :
Click on Image to View Larger
But this new feature show the hidden product on ajax search (search preview results). I know it's a new feature so it's normal to have some issues like that, a fix can be possible ? :)
Hello there, since one of the last update of salient, we can now configure the header search form to limit search by post type.
I've set in to Products because it's a WooCommerce website :Click on Image to View Larger
That is working, that display only products from ajax display. Click on Image to View Larger
BUT, as you can see on this example, there is product to 0€, it's normal it's my hidden products. i've configure these product to NOT SHOWING on shop and search results :
Click on Image to View Larger
But this new feature show the hidden product on ajax search (search preview results). I know it's a new feature so it's normal to have some issues like that, a fix can be possible ? :)
have a great day, from france 🌞
Hi There,
Thanks for keeping in touch,
Please allow me to escalate this to the developer to respond further.
Hey benoitfouc33Click on Image to View Larger
Thanks for mentioning this - I'll be including the fix in the upcoming minor release.
If you'd like to make the change on your end now, you can add the following snippet to your child theme functions.php file:
add_filter('nectar_quick_search_query','salient_child_ajax_search_mod'); function salient_child_ajax_search_mod($arr) { $arr['tax_query'] = array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'product_visibility', 'field' => 'name', 'terms' => 'exclude-from-catalog', 'operator' => 'NOT IN', ), ); return $arr; }
Kind regards,
Hello there, thanks for reply.
If the next minor release come soon, i will wait 😊
Thanks for the fix,