  Public Ticket #3010333
Customizing off canvas menu name


  •  2
    mcc07 started the conversation

    Hi guys,

    I just need to customize the off canvas menu name which is set as "Menu" by default. I want to give it another name and I already tried to find the translation string through "Loco translation" but never found it.

    Can you help me with this please? :) 

    Thank you 


  •  277
    Noah replied

    Hello Marie,

    The option to add that label is called “Off Canvas Menu Add Menu Label” and is located in the Salient options panel > Header navigation > Off canvas menu tab. 

    It can also be translated using the included .pot file like any other theme string to be a custom string: http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/translations/


  •  2
    mcc07 replied

    Got it ! It was just a matter of translation so I've used another plugin suggested in your "docs".

    Thx :)

  •  2
    mcc07 replied

    Hello there, 

    Is it possible, for the off canvas menu, to have one label (name) for desktop and another different label on mobile?
    For example: On desktop the name is "Programs" and on mobile the name would be "Menu". Like this it would be clearer for visitors on mobile devices to find all the elements of the 2 menus (top menu pull left and off canvas menu) under the same label. 

    See my screenshots attached here.

    Thank you!


    Attached files:  Computer.png

  •  277
    Noah replied

    Hi there,

    No it not really possible.

    You will need to do you own customizations for that as there is no possible workaround.

    Hope you understand. 

  •  2
    mcc07 replied

    ok thank you.
