  Public Ticket #3013899
Expandable Read More link - deactivates all animations after it


  •  4
    marketingTRSM started the conversation

    Hi Web Support team, 

    We noticed that when you click on any Read More expandable links, the animations after that, below in the page, don't work. As long as the "Read more" link is not clicked, all animations work. However, this takes away from the entire experience and impact of all the animations on the website.

    How can this be fixed?


  •  1,986
    Judith replied

    Hi There,

    Thanks for contacting us.

    I am not clearly replicating the issue from my end, is it possible you can create a short video for us to see what exactly happens after the read more button is clicked in relation to the animations.


  •  4
    marketingTRSM replied


    yes, thank you. I'll prepare the video.