Regarding the footer, I need some help please. I tried to make this email box visible but can't find a way to do it. It become visible when I click on it, but I want it to have a contour or something to see that it is there.
Thank you, but I tried this css and nothing changed, the box looks the same, it only becomes visible if you click on it.
When I first imported this demo, the email box in the footer looked like that(see atachement) But I did something and made some changes in past 2 weeks since I started working on this, I dont know what I did and now it would be really nice to find a way to make it visible again.
Regarding the footer, I need some help please. I tried to make this email box visible but can't find a way to do it. It become visible when I click on it, but I want it to have a contour or something to see that it is there.
Please see atachement.
Thank you!
Hi There,
Thanks for writing to us!.
Please try out this css:
Hi Judith,
The css does not work, the box in the footer is still invisible.
Please see atachement, can I make it look like picture 1 or 2? Any of this options would be great if you can help me.
Thank you!
Hi there,
Could you try this CSS instead:
we used a white background to make the email input box more visible.
Hi Eliud,
Thank you, but I tried this css and nothing changed, the box looks the same, it only becomes visible if you click on it.
When I first imported this demo, the email box in the footer looked like that(see atachement) But I did something and made some changes in past 2 weeks since I started working on this, I dont know what I did and now it would be really nice to find a way to make it visible again.
Thank you!
Hi There,
We changed it from here, please check here:
Thank you all!