  Public Ticket #305346


  • Drew started the conversation

    PROBLEM: my featured images are not showing up on facebook when i post the link in the newsfeed. So please go to your facebook newsfeed and post this link: http://maijintheartist.com/art/firecell/  and you will see when the information populates, it has a blank space where the image is supposed to exist...see here for example of what i mean: http://prntscr.com/4xx3po
    It works for blog post images, but not for portfolio images.

    the circle shows where the picture should appear. i have the feature image set in my wordpress site as you can see here: http://prntscr.com/4xx290

    I deactivated all the plugins to see if there is a coding conflict with any of them...but the problem still persisted. So it has something to do with the theme code, its blocking something. i read something about open graphs and adding code somewhere to fix it.

    i was reading something about open graph and some kind of code may be blocking those sites to display the featured image.

    i need someone to quickly identify the problem and fix the problem. i need this done as soon as possible

    heres my website: www.maijintheartist.com

  •  9,094
    Tahir replied


    You will likely have to use this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpsso/ or similar. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Drew replied

    i downloaded this and installed it...i followed all the instructions and it still is not working. i need a solution for this. or you need to send me a code where i can put into my custom css so i can make sure it shows. some of your code in the theme must be blocking my images showing up on facebook. it only happens in the portfolio section. i need you to listen and give me some solutions here. this is very frustrating.

  •  9,094
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again!

    Please see screenshot: http://prntscr.com/4yyd9v . This is a third party plugin issue so you will need to contact them for a solution. As far as i am aware the jquery sharre script does not work with latest WP installs. Though the Plugin developer would be the best person to assist you as its a Plugin issue not a Theme One. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team