On this website: https://zeal.kleidi.nl I have an image /icon called 'Showreel'. There's a popup with video behind it. Everything works well, but on screens bigger than 1900px it's showing only for a part, see attached screenshot. On smaller screens it shows like I want it (almost full screen, say 80-90% of the screen space).
Hi there,
On this website: https://zeal.kleidi.nl I have an image /icon called 'Showreel'. There's a popup with video behind it. Everything works well, but on screens bigger than 1900px it's showing only for a part, see attached screenshot. On smaller screens it shows like I want it (almost full screen, say 80-90% of the screen space).
Is there a way to fix this?
Hi Tes,
Could you use this CSS to get the popup to show fully the video:
add it to salient \ general settings - css script related - custom css code.