  Public Ticket #307872
Masonry Portfolio - Three Columns?


  • Adam started the conversation

    Is there a way to restrict the masonry portfolio to only have three columns, like in your demo? (http://themenectar.com/demo/salient-frostwave/port...

    I am not using the portfolio page template, I am using a fullwidth page with the portfolio embedded through the visual editor. But the options only let me restrict it to 4 columns. I don't want to have to write a bunch of custom CSS to overwrite all of your extremely specific, important tag-laden CSS.

  •  9,084
    Tahir replied

    Hey Adam!

    Try changing the col numbers in "Salient/nectar/tinymce/shortcode-processing.php" .  See screenshot for more info : http://prntscr.com/50kz80


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Adam replied

    I'm not sure I understand. The masonry portfolio with the column restriction doesn't use cols-3, cols-4, span_3, or span_4, it uses elastic-portfolio-item. I changed 'cols-4' to 'cols-3' and 'span_4' to 'span_3' but there was no change in the portfolio. Anything else you can think of? Since you have this in your salient theme demo, can you check how that was set up? Thanks!

  •  9,084
    Tahir replied

    Hey AGain!

    Here is the VC code: http://pastebin.com/9whZybbz , You can paste it into your text editor to see the settings. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • George replied

    I'm also interested in this but having a hard time following the posted directions.

  • George replied

    To the original poster - 

    One way I figured out how to fix this is by editing .elastic-portfolio-item in the CSS.  Whether you are using the responsive or non-responsive design, there is a responsive.css and non-responsive.css file in the CSS folder.

    From there there are a couple of instances of .elastic-portfolio-item in each CSS file being set to width: 24.98%; you can change this to 33.31%.

    Attached is an example of me changing the width of .elastic-portfolio-item in the "boxed" look by adding a new declaration.  

  • Skoltz replied

    How to have 2 columns on the Blog Masonry (instead of 3) please?

  •  9,084
    Tahir replied

    @skoltz, Unfortunately its not possible given the Current Theme Options . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team