  Public Ticket #3082689
Control over available fonts and styles


  •  1
    Clive Ritchie started the conversation

    I am building a site that uses approximately 5 custom brand fonts which I've successfully added using the recommended 'Use Any Font' plugin.

    To ensure that content editing staff stick to the brand fonts, I was wondering whether it is possible to:

    1) Limit the font options available in the editor to ensure staff only use these fonts - ie. remove all other unused fonts - see attached Q1.png.

    2) Configure a small number of pre-defined font styles to add another level of formatting consistency - see attached Q2.png.

    Many thanks!

    Attached files:  q1.png

  •  277
    Noah replied

    Hi there,

    Its not really possible you would need to do you own customizations for this.
    That editor is provided by wordpress and you could try and modify it to fit your needs as shown here https://kinsta.com/blog/wordpress-tinymce-editor/

    Hope you understand.

  •  1
    Clive Ritchie replied

    Understood. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.