Hi, I am a developer and is using your theme for a custom website I am building. I would like to know is there a way to enable/disable the scrolling of the nectar fullpage rows temporarily? This is for when I show a custom popup which I inserted before the footer. I would like to not let it scroll when the popup is active and then able to scroll again once the popup is closed. I can very much do javascript so please if you can help me!!
Ah sorry no, like a custom jquery/javascript that I can use. when they click on the button that i created which opens a popup, i will temporarily disable the scroll of the fullpage rows behind. when they close the popup i will put back the scrolling function.
The fullpage JS framework offers a method to toggle the ability to scroll between sections in their built-in API. You can call the following as needed after your popup is triggered:
Whenever you need to re-enable the scrolling after it closes, simply pass in true for the boolean instead of false.
Hi, I am a developer and is using your theme for a custom website I am building. I would like to know is there a way to enable/disable the scrolling of the nectar fullpage rows temporarily? This is for when I show a custom popup which I inserted before the footer. I would like to not let it scroll when the popup is active and then able to scroll again once the popup is closed. I can very much do javascript so please if you can help me!!
Hello There,
Thanks for contacting us.
Please enable this option:
Ah sorry no, like a custom jquery/javascript that I can use. when they click on the button that i created which opens a popup, i will temporarily disable the scroll of the fullpage rows behind. when they close the popup i will put back the scrolling function.
Hi There,
Please allow me to escalate this to the developer to respond further.
Hey emmapabale
The fullpage JS framework offers a method to toggle the ability to scroll between sections in their built-in API. You can call the following as needed after your popup is triggered:
Whenever you need to re-enable the scrolling after it closes, simply pass in true for the boolean instead of false.
Thank you so much! Where can I see the fullpage JS API? Thank you!
Please view: https://alvarotrigo.com/fullPage/#examples .
ThemeNectar Support Team