  Public Ticket #3098083
How To: Parallax Cascading Images


  •  32
    Ramit started the conversation


    I wanted to try out the parallax cascading images feature, which looks fantastic, but the Salient templates for them (I believe there are two) don't really work because one of the main images don't show up. Thus, I'm unable to understand how it functions. 

    Is there somewhere I can learn about this feature? I don't see it in documentation. Is there a video or some other instructions on how to use it?


  •  279
    Noah replied

    Hi there,

    There is video here of the cascading images element being set up:


    Its a bit older but the functionality and options are still the same.
    The parallax options apply to layer #1 and are set on the general tab of the element's settings.

    Try that.

  •  32
    Ramit replied

    Thanks so much. I'll give that a try. Are there other useful videos that you would recommend? I'm subscribed to the themenectar channel, but the videos there are limited. There are definitely some useful ones on there, but I can't find any other super useful Salient based videos that break things down for new users. Well, there is one guy, but he just rambles aimlessly in his videos, and is generally quite annoying.

    I'm open to recommendations.


  •  1,986
    Judith replied

    Hello Ramit,

    Please refer to this guide:https://themenectar.com/docs/salient/page-builder-row/#parallax-background. This can also be of help.


  •  32
    Ramit replied

    Awesome, thank you Judith!!