While it dequeues the original script find and loads the modified version from my child theme folder, alot of what this script touches breaks. Is this because I\'m screwing with some relative links in there? If so, this is probably a bad idea to try to preserve my changes to it, right? Is there a better way to touch this part of the init.js file?
Hi - Is it possible to have the Recent Projects carousel auto rotate?
I am interested in having the Recent Projects auto rotate too. Is this possible?
I found an answer here: https://themenectar.ticksy.com/ticket/158470 . Is there anyway for me to control speed of rotation, stop on hover, etc?
Hey Matt,
You will likely have to edit the \"salient/js/init.js\" file and add in the initialization in there .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Hi Tahir,
Ok, I\'ll look into it. Thanks!
Hi Tahir,
I\'m trying to copy the init.js file to my child theme so my changes will stick through updates.
like this, but without the comments:
//function mod_init_load() {
//if ( !is_admin() ) {
// wp_dequeue_script( \'nectarFrontend\' );
// wp_register_script(\'nectarFrontendChild\', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . \'/js/init.js\', array(\'jquery\', \'superfish\'), \'5.5.4\', TRUE );
// wp_enqueue_script(\'nectarFrontendChild\');
// }
//add_action( \'wp_enqueue_scripts\', \'mod_init_load\' , 100);
While it dequeues the original script find and loads the modified version from my child theme folder, alot of what this script touches breaks. Is this because I\'m screwing with some relative links in there? If so, this is probably a bad idea to try to preserve my changes to it, right? Is there a better way to touch this part of the init.js file?
Please refer to this : https://themenectar.ticksy.com/ticket/260338/ .
ThemeNectar Support Team
I want my Recent projects to autorotate, like normal carousel. Can you tell me how to do that? Link bellow is not working.
Please see:
ThemeNectar Support Team