  Public Ticket #313204
remove featured image on single unique post, not all post


  • Amado started the conversation

    Good morning.

    I understand the CSS code to remove the featured image in the posts, in addition to the feature added in the "blog option" in the 4.9 salient theme.  Yet the question is, I like this feature do not want to remove featured images for me entire site and the hundreds of post.  I just need to remove it on one single unique post as the editor wants it this way in the written story.  Is there a way I can remove featured image in the post on just 1 single unique post?  Is there a "costum Field" I can add in the single post to accompish this?  I tried adding "custom-css-add" with the code yet it did not work.  Any advise on this would be greatly, greatly appreciated.  Thank you so much :)  Respectfully yours, Amado GOnzalez

  • Amado replied

    Finally found the answer: from ThemeNectar.

    "You could always use that css snippet on the post page itself instead of the in the general css box in the options panel. The css box on your posts is located on the right top position when looking at the visual composer tab :)
