  Public Ticket #314592
Sidebar on blog post


  • Josephine started the conversation

    Hello! Could you tell me what type of setting is needed in order to get a sidebar on my blog, the way that the Salient demo has one http://themenectar.com/demo/salient-frostwave/amaz...

    Thank you!

  •  9,099
    Tahir replied


    Please see screenshot:  http://prntscr.com/547sf8  . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •   Josephine replied privately
  •  9,099
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again!

    You need to set the blog to sidebar as well in Salient Theme Options . Please see: http://prntscr.com/55kpan  . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •   Josephine replied privately
  •  9,099
    Tahir replied


    could you allow us to log in so we can check on this for you more?

    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •   Josephine replied privately
  •  9,099
    Tahir replied


    You had the hide sidebar option checked : http://prntscr.com/5bbnlw  . Have turned it off. Also please update theme to version 4.9  . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •   Josephine replied privately
  • Josephine replied

    Sorry, but I can't figure out how to update the theme. I see no option for it. Could you tell me where to find it? Thank you. You've been really incredible!!!!

  •  9,099
    Tahir replied


    Please take a backup of your theme folder before you update so that if there are any changes made to the theme files they are not lost.
    You can update your theme by downloading a fresh copy from ThemeForest, deleting the current version you have on your server and uploading the new.
    It's recommended that you use FTP, but this also can be done with the WP dashboard if you prefer. The reason FTP is superior for this is because the theme won't have to be deactivated during the process so you won't have to reassign your widgets. If you're
    interested in keeping up to date with the latest changes and fixes, please refer to the changelog: http://themenectar.com/changelogs/salient.html
    Also, remember to clear your browser cache after each update if you notice anything off. Old theme files can persist in your local cache and make you think something's wrong.
    Also please see this FAQ: http://themenectar.ticksy.com/faq/2252 .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Josephine replied

    Thank you! Is there a way to remove the date found in the URL: http://josephinebila.com/2014/12/thalassemia-and-sexuality/ -- I want the URL to read: josephinebila.com/thalassemia-and-sexuality. 

  •  9,099
    Tahir replied

    Please see screenshot: http://prntscr.com/5i4yuf .  You can change the Permalinks from Settings -> Permalinks in the Dashboard. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •   Josephine replied privately