  Public Ticket #3147723
ThemeNectar Vs ThemeForest


  •  30
    UK-Designer-Guy started the conversation

    Interested to know if theres any connection other than a platform that sells your themes ?

    Someone left a review on TrustPilot mentioned Tahirs name on the review under Themeforest (and salient) . . . and have to say have nothing but praise for all the support staff here . . . . 

    However Themeforest . . . well lets just say my purchasing days through them are over

    On that note . . . how do I pay for Support . . . without going through ThemeForest ?

  •  1,987
    Judith replied

    Hi There,

    Thanks for keeping in touch.

    It's always a pleasure to offer you the great support experience you deserve.

    You have to renew from the Themeforest Page : http://prntscr.com/ijyel0 . 

    However allow me to escalate this to the developer to respond further.


  •  9,060
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Yes, That's correct Themeforest is an Australian company that helps sell our theme and other products.

    Whereas ThemeNectar is a US company owned by Phil, the owner and developer of the Salient Theme.

    I believe you are referring to this https://au.trustpilot.com/review/www.themeforest.net?search=salient . 

    At the moment we don't have any Premium Support option other than what Themeforest provides available.

    However if you need help you can reach me directly via email or reach out to us here .


    ThemeNectar Support Team