  Public Ticket #3147915
Salient and Elementor


  •  30
    UK-Designer-Guy started the conversation

    In an attempt to add a footer area to Category Pages Ive come across "Elementor"


    Is this plugin compatible with Salient  . . . seem to recall . . . it wasnt ?

  •  279
    Noah replied

    Hi there,

    Elementor should work fine as long as you are not mixing the two page builders on the same page. We have not officially tested Elementor with the theme and also have not heard of users having a specific problem with the builder.

    What we can suggest is you try it out and see if it will work in your workflow before purchasing Elementor. There is a free version of it you can use to see if ti works with your current objective without causing issues.

    Hope this helps.

  •  30
    UK-Designer-Guy replied

    I found this :


    Can you tell me where Id need to add the :

    if ( is_active_sidebar( 'footer-box-area' ) ) : ?>
    <div id="secondary-sidebar" class="footer-box-area">
    <?php dynamic_sidebar( 'footer-box-area' ); ?>
    <?php endif;

    code to get this working . . . added the function code fine (done this before) just cant find :


  •  30
    UK-Designer-Guy replied

    Hi Noah neither WP Bakery or Elementor can edit WooCommerce Category pages  . . . .

    My only option is to edit the category page I think, (adding seo text via the Woocommerce system just pushes the important category images down the page . . . (bad core design with Woocommerce tbh)

    So I have to add an additional widget position so that I can talk about the products in that particular section for SEO purposes

  •  279
    Noah replied

    Hi there,

    The theme does not have an archive-product.php

    What maybe you can do is use this hook to add content after the product list in product category pages:


    We tested it on our end and it works if the code is added to the end of functions.php file.
    Could you try it?


  •  30
    UK-Designer-Guy replied

    Noah thats a great step in the right direction for me, many many thx

    Using :

    // Adding content after loop

    add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop', 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop' );
    function woocommerce_after_shop_loop() {

    if ( is_product_category() ) {
    echo esc_html__("Custom content", "amc");


    I got the "Custom content" displaying . . . Obviously I need to display different content for each individual Category at that position. I guess I could do that using "Widget Options" which Im running as a plugin in the site and I can dictate what gets shown that way . . .


    how do I create a new widget block to display at that position ?

    Can you help ? . . . 

    Ive just tried 2 tutorials on adding a widget position . . . neither of them work for me.


    I copied that code into my functions.php file and no widget was displayed in the backend ?

    So googled again and I found :


    and some code that needs to go into a sidebar.php file (which I copied from Salient and created in my child theme and pasted the code into)

    Then the output shows  :

    <?php dynamic_sidebar( 'home_right_1' ); ?>

    Which Im guessing would replace "custom content" but I couldnt just do below surely and replace custom content within the quotation marks ?

    "<?php dynamic_sidebar( 'home_right_1' ); ?>"

    could I ?

    EDIT : No I cant (but on a plus side I can see the new Widget option in the admin backend)

    Just dont know how to incorporate the output in the "Custom Content" area

    But if I do this :

    if ( is_product_category() ) {
    echo esc_html__(dynamic_sidebar( 'home_right_1' ), "amc");

    It works . . . 

    Apart from I have a random number 1 appearing ? any clues ?


  •  279
    Noah replied

    Hi there,

    We cannot view https://rubberroof.co.uk/product-category/all-epdm-rubber-roofing/epdm-rubber-roofing/ as its behind a coming soon page.

    The random 1 that's appearing might be from your code. Please check it over to see if its causing this.

  •   UK-Designer-Guy replied privately
  •  279
    Noah replied

    Hi there,

    We could not find the source of that random 1 at the bottom of the category page. The issue seems to be with the widget code you are using.

    Could you rebuild the widget, please?
    Keep it simple meaning do not use the page builder code and just use regular text first before using any shortcodes.
