  Public Ticket #315692
Change background colour clients section


  • Laura started the conversation


    I am modifying the About Us - Extended page (Ascend version) and I want to change the background colour of the carousel section displaying clients' logos. It is currently #f96566 and I can't seem to change it. I thought it would be automatically changed to my accent colour, but nope. The style is applied inline onto the div. I've tried changing the background colour of the row in Visual Composer but it doesn't make a difference, and I can't see anything on the theme options. I have also tried deleting the clients section and creating a new one - it still uses this colour.

    The same issue applies to some other sections, such as the "Let's take the next step and work together" bit on the Home (Landing Page version). I just can't figure out where to change this colour! 

    I'm working locally so can't give you a url I'm afraid.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Laura replied

    This always happens - I spend ages trying to figure something out, eventually give up and post  ticket, and as soon as I do I realise how to fix it!

    Sorry - managed to figure it out myself, thanks.