I've tried several different Pinterest widgets in an effort to feed images from a Pinterest board to a page on my site. I"m struggling to get accurate results and most of them have the images shifted about 40 pixels below where they should be. I'm wondering if maybe there's something in the CSS that's causing the images to shift?
Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel :
html body span.PIN_1415797458293_embed_grid span.PIN_1415797458293_embed_grid_bd a.PIN_1415797458293_embed_grid_th img.PIN_1415797458293_embed_grid_img {top: 0!important; }
I've tried several different Pinterest widgets in an effort to feed images from a Pinterest board to a page on my site. I"m struggling to get accurate results and most of them have the images shifted about 40 pixels below where they should be. I'm wondering if maybe there's something in the CSS that's causing the images to shift?
Here's the page I'm testing:
And here's the widget I would like to use:
Which gives me the following code:
Which I then pasted into a "Ray HTML" element in VC.
Any suggestions on how to fix the shifted images?
ThemeNectar Support Team
Hmmm. That didn't work.
Here's the page I'm working on, with the images shifted downward:
And if you go to this page:
And type in:
You'll see how it's supposed to look.
Any other ideas what might be causing the conflict? Thanks!
This should work as its now generic:
Please see screenshot: http://prntscr.com/578xvc .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Boom! Nailed it!
Thanks so much!