  Public Ticket #3208929
transparent header


  •  4
    Sabdelm started the conversation


    i have some issues with the Transparent Header. Is it possible to remove the TH on somme specific pages (or posts) ? And keep it on the Home Page and some other ones ?

    Thank you for your help !

  •  3,057
    Andrew replied

    Hello Sabdelm,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    This feature is currently not available with our theme. I will notify the developer to add this as a feature request.

    In the meantime, I'd recommend reaching out to a developer to help implement this for you.

    Kind regards,

  •  4
    Sabdelm replied

    Thank you for your answer.

    In the meantime, isnt-il possible to do it with CSS ?

  •  9,061
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Try using the Force Transparency Option in "Page Header Settings" Metabox . See screenshot : http://prntscr.com/gjnyit .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  4
    Sabdelm replied

    It works ! Thanks !