  Public Ticket #320927
Nectar Tabs frustration


  • Shaun started the conversation

    First off, I absolutely love the Salient theme! It's the best theme I own and the most used theme in my arsenal.

    I only have one issue that I'm hoping can get resolved in the next update perhaps?

    The Nectar Toggles are a bit frustrating for the site users when the content within the Toggles are long. Take for example this sample page here: http://syrenusa.com/syren-tempio-sporting/

    I wish the toggles on the Salient theme worked like the toggles on this site example here: http://gueriniusa.com/shotguns/ellipse-evo/

    My issue is on the Salient > Nectar toggles > I have to scroll through the first toggle content then click on the second toggle for the first toggles content to retract. Then the contents on screen pushes itself UP, forcing me to scroll in the window to adjust what I can see. It's more than frustrating to the end users.

    On the Guerini site example, the toggles can be opened and closed. Also the toggle when it's opened pushes the content in the tab DOWN so I don't have to adjust my window or scroll around to see the new content. I really like this!  I wish the Salient > Nectar toggles worked like the Guerini site does.

    Any advice?

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Shaun!

    If you edit the toggle element and uncheck the box for "Allow collapsible all" in visual composer the functionality will change to that :)

  • Shaun replied

    Hi, can you please tell me how to get the Nectar toggle to work like this example here? http://www.nectarbits.com/shortcodes/toggle/


  •  9,105
    Tahir replied

    Hey Shaun!

    Please see url : http://gyazo.com/4aac5100256c79f0b031f8bf8550f28c . Make sure the checkbox is unchecked.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Shaun replied

    Okay, I've got it!!! Here is my idea....

    If I create a separate toggle for each section on my page, and deselect the "allow collapsable all" then Tahir you are correct... I can open and close the toggles the way I want it. No problem. They all work independently. However, when the page loads all of the toggles are closed. No good. There is no way to set each toggles open or close state on page load. Not that I'm aware of?

    A simple fix to this would be to add a check box on the "Section settings" to set the "open on page load". This would allow you to set the open or closed state for each toggle on the page load and it would eliminate the toggle frustration so many people seam to be having.

    Can you please add this feature? See screen shot attached.

    Is this possible to add? Or is there a shortcode to set the individual toggles open or close state on page load? Anything?

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey! As of now if you add ?toggle=your-toggle-name on your URL that toggle should start open - for example http://syrenusa.com/syren-tempio-sporting/?toggle=msrp-pricing

  • Shaun replied

    Is there any other alternative than this? The URL isn't very index friendly. Is there any timeframe for adding this functionality by chance?

  •  9,105
    Tahir replied

    Right now we havent had other users ask for such functionality so we dont see it being added in the near future.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Shaun replied

    Thanks for letting me know Tahir. Do you know of any other toggle plugins that do have this functionality that plays well with Salient by chance?

  •  9,105
    Tahir replied

    We dont have a recommended plugins list so you will likely have to experiment, google it out.


    ThemeNectar Support Team