To look into this, could you allow us to log in to your website's backend dashboard so we can check on this for you more? We are gonna need the username and password of the admin user as well as the login URL.
Do you have any Redirection rules setup as that could be causing this issue? . Also were you able to get a response from the hosting provider as its coming from the core wp files folder?.
When I'm editting I continiously see a bar with copy (probably an error state). How can I fix this, or can you help me with it?
I'm working on a Macbook Pro, OS 13.2.1 (22D68), Chrome Version 110.0.5481.177 (Official Build) (arm64)
Attached files: Screenshot 2023-03-15 at 16.56.44.png
Hey Enzo,
Thanks for keeping in touch.
Please check for plugin conflicts by deactivating the third-party plugins then reactivate it back one by one to see the one that causes issues.
Kind regards,
I managed to copy the error:
Failed to load plugin: Wordpress from url
When I deactivated this one (as you advised me), I got another warning, while still having the same visual bug.
Curious for your next solution.
Attached files: Screenshot 2023-03-15 at 17.31.30.png
Hello again,
To look into this, could you allow us to log in to your website's backend dashboard so we can check on this for you more? We are gonna need the username and password of the admin user as well as the login URL.
Hey Again,
Do you have any Redirection rules setup as that could be causing this issue? . Also were you able to get a response from the hosting provider as its coming from the core wp files folder?.
ThemeNectar Support Team
Just installed this plugin:,Advanced%20Editor%20Tools%20(previously%20TinyMCE%20Advanced),-Deactivate%20%7C%20Settings .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Morning, When I opened the wordpress again this morning I had the same problem again (see screenshots).
Tested it on my macbook screen and connected to a second screen.
Can you please have another look?
Attached files: Screenshot 2023-03-16 at 09.26.23.png
Screenshot 2023-03-16 at 09.26.30.png
Escalating this to the developer for further response.
ThemeNectar Support Team