  Public Ticket #332134
Pinch and zoom on images on a mobile device?


  •  1
    Paul started the conversation

    Is there a setting that would let a user pinch and zoom in on an image in a portfolio on a mobile device? My client wants the ability to zoom in to an image on a smartphone to look at details. I can't see where that might be set on the development side.


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Paul! Remove 


    from the header.php file :)

  •  1
    Paul replied

    great thanks!

  •  1
    Paul replied

    I deleted that and re uploaded it, then renamed the original header-old.php just in case, but it didn't seem to do anything. What might I be doing wrong?

  • Andrei replied

    found the answer and solution here http://themenectar.ticksy.com/ticket/65361/search/

    in the header.php file on line 21

    < meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1" >

    remove the maximum-scale=1

    and also set this to 1 user-scalable=0

    If you've got a child theme setup, insert this new header.php in your child theme folder (same folder as style.css and functions.php)


  •  1
    Paul replied

    Great that worked! Thanks Andrei!