  Public Ticket #332506
Visual composer - all is in container


  • Dalibor started the conversation


    I have disabled your vc in general options, then I have installed the raw visual composer (latest version) and all of the content on the site is "in container" mode instead of full width. I have tried everything but no luck. I really like your theme but raw vc has so much more elements that I need.

  •  9,100
    Tahir replied


    I am afraid you'll have to choose btw the two. 



    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Dalibor replied

    I think I was misunderstood. I want to use only raw vc. I want to use full width. But when I switch to raw vc all of the items that are now full width goes to container and if I add new row it is alsoo in container mode and not the full width of the browser.

  •  9,100
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again!

    Does the Raw VC have a fullwidth row option ?. Could you provide the page url where i can see the issue ? . Salient VC has alot of additional options so using the RAW VC you wont have those. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •   Dalibor replied privately
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey again - the Salient VC row options for full width bg and full width content are specific to the theme unfortunately - you could still use the nectar shortcodes to place a full width BG row though as it exists in the shortcode generator

  • Stefano replied


    I have the same problem, the row full width not work with Salient VC off.

    But use this in your Visual Composer, seem work:

    <div class="carousel-wrap recent-work-carousel " data-full-width="true">

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed sapien iaculis, commodo turpis eget, fringilla quam. Nam fringilla scelerisque neque, id sodales urna tristique vitae. Mauris leo augue, convallis quis erat nec, feugiat condimentum tortor. Fusce dapibus purus vel nulla facilisis imperdiet. Mauris blandit massa sed vestibulum iaculis. Aenean a purus lectus. Sed mollis suscipit enim, sed accumsan dui hendrerit eu. Suspendisse ac purus sed sem ullamcorper vestibulum sit amet eget massa. Nam vitae ex sem. Nulla ac nunc eros.


  •  9,100
    Tahir replied

    Hey Stefano,

    VC will be updated in the upcoming version by the end of this month.



    ThemeNectar Support Team