  Public Ticket #336287
Problem with Theme Instalation


  • Elchin started the conversation

    Dear Sir/Madam

    Unfortunately I faced with the problem connected to the theme Instalation.
    I tried to install this theme on clean wordpress with turned off plugins. It gave no results.Then I contacted my provider support.They said,there is no problem from their side.Thats why I am writing you again.What can be a reason of the failure instalation?

    If you need any other Information,please let me know

  •  9,099
    Tahir replied


    Please make sure you are only uploading the salient.zip not the whole zip package. Please see userguide:  http://themenectar.com/docs/salient.pdf and our youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThemeNectar/videos


    ThemeNectar Support Team