  Public Ticket #3369471
A few questions after purchasing the theme


  •  10
    MediaV7 started the conversation

    Hi, I purchased this theme a few days ago after being very impressed with the demos. After setting up a test install and experimenting with some of the settings, even though I think your theme is fantastic and offers a lot of variety, I am concerned that I will be limited in terms of customisation should I go ahead and use this template for all my clients’ websites.

    I just have a few questions please:

    How do I compile using SCSS/SASS? If this isn’t possible, why, and is there a way around it?

    How do I link multiple stylesheet files in my child theme?

    How can I set the Header Mobile Breakpoint to 1px? I want to keep the default menu on mobile as well for some websites, but there’s a glitch in your options that won’t allow this option to be anything below 1000px.

    How do I change the logo on the admin login screen from the default WP icon to my site’s logo? 

    Many thanks

  •  1,099
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Austin,

    How do I compile using SCSS/SASS? If this isn’t possible, why, and is there a way around it?

    The Salient front-end stylesheets were not created using scss, so that's not part of the build script you'd have access to by default via the package.json. However, you of course can still utilize scss if desired from your own build script via the child theme if you intend of adding new stylesheets.

    How do I link multiple stylesheet files in my child theme?

    The Salient child theme is no different than any child theme in terms of functionality. You can enqueue as many stylesheets/scripts as needed: https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/advanced-topics/child-themes/#enqueueing-styles-and-scripts

    The base child theme included with Salient already has one function included called "salient_child_enqueue_styles" which is hooked to the action "wp_enqueue_scripts", so you could place all of your wp_enqueue_style calls in there if desired.

    How can I set the Header Mobile Breakpoint to 1px? I want to keep the default menu on mobile as well for some websites, but there’s a glitch in your options that won’t allow this option to be anything below 1000px.

    The minimum breakpoint is 1000px, however, you can force specific menu items to persist in the mobile header by using the Salient menu options: https://themenectar.com/docs/salient/salient-menu-options/


    How do I change the logo on the admin login screen from the default WP icon to my site’s logo? 

    Salient does not offer any built-in way of achieving that. However, you could accomplish it either with a third-party plugin such as https://wordpress.org/plugins/change-login-logo/ or by using some custom action from your child theme. https://codex.wordpress.org/Customizing_the_Login_Form

    Kind regards

  •  10
    MediaV7 replied


    Many thanks for the detailed response. I've found a tutorial that shows me how to integrate scss into a WP child theme using NPM/node.js. This is what we use on our current theme (but built by a more experienced developer than myself at a previous company I worked for), so I'm hopeful I can sort this now. 

    The tutorial I have will take care of point 2, and no problem with point 4 as well.

    Just a question about point 3 though: I've managed to get this working with the 'Persist In Mobile Navigation Header' option, but it wont show any child items. Am I missing a setting somewhere or is that an intentional part of the theme?

    Thanks again,

  •  1,987
    Judith replied

    Hi Austin,

    Please send in your website URL so that we can check this out further.


  •   MediaV7 replied privately
  •  3,056
    Andrew replied

    Hello there,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    1. Could you share what customizations you want to add to the maps section so we can advise on this? As for snazzy, it would require a javascript modification to salient/js/map.js – if you run a search for “mapOptions”, you’ll end up at the relevant location in the file.

    2. You can enable the transparent header by going to Salient > Header navigation > Transparent header and enable it from there. By default, the header on the salient is sticky.


    3. Instead of a class, you will have to assign the row and ID as shown in this screenshot.


    4. That is the default spacing added by the page builder. Try and reduce the spacing by adding negative margins, like -3%, and see how it goes.

    I hope that info helps.

    Kind regards,

  •  10
    MediaV7 replied

    Hi Andrew,

    1. Let’s say that I first want to try something like the Snazzy Maps code on this page: https://snazzymaps.com/style/2/midnight-commander

    I will then tweak the colours to more closely match our branding.

    Where do I add this please? 

    2.  I already have the ‘Use Transparent Header When Applicable’ setting turned on but it does not work. This is why I sent admin access to see if there is a glitch somewhere. I have had to override this using !important declarations in my css, but it would make sense to use the theme option if we can get it working.  

    3. I will have to just keep using !important delegations then because this will be used site-wide so a div class is more appropriate.

    4. Can you please tell me which div or element the default spacing is added to so that I can remove it? 


  •  279
    Noah replied

    Hi there,

    1) The interactive map element on the page builder does not have as extensive styling capabilities. Most styling options are from the marker style going down as seen in the attached screenshot.

    2) The transparent header requires some conditions to be met for it to apply on the page - https://themenectar.com/docs/salient/theme-options/header-navigation/#transparency

    You can also force the header to be transparent from the header navigation settings in the edit page area. See attached screenshot.


    4) The carousel container seems to have the margin added to it. You can remove it with this bit of CSS:

    .nectar-flickity.nectar-carousel.nectar-carousel:not(.masonry) .flickity-viewport {
        margin: 0px 0 0px 0 !important;

    The div is:

    <div class="flickity-viewport".....


    Attached files:  map_style.png

  •  10
    MediaV7 replied

    Hi Noah,

    1. On the following link: https://themenectar.com/salient/elements/google-map/

    It says it offers "the ability to create your own color scheme". How do I do this please using your theme?

    2. Ahh this makes more sense now. I have gone into my page and turned on the 'Force Transparency On Navigation' option. Just double-checking that for this to work I must activate on each page?

    4. Brilliant, thank you. This worked.


  •  279
    Noah replied

    Hi Austin,

    1) Using the google map type option there is the marker color option that uses the accent colors, the grey scale color option that reveals the map extra color option. We are referring to the map element's settings. That example link you provided uses google maps type. There is also the leaflet map type which does not require a key. Accent colors can be controlled from salient \ accent colors.

    2) Yes you would need to enable it per page.


  •  10
    MediaV7 replied

    Thanks Noah,

    Going back to the menu, is there a way to update the colour of the animated underlines within the Salient options?



  •  3,056
    Andrew replied

    Hello again,

    Thank you for getting back to us.

    Add this into the Custom CSS box in your Salient Theme Options panel :

    #header-outer[data-lhe="animated_underline"].transparent #top nav > ul > li > a .menu-title-text:after,
    #header-outer.transparent #top nav>ul>li[class*="button_bordered"]>a:before, 
    #header-outer.transparent .nectar-mobile-only.mobile-header li a .menu-title-text:after {
      border-color: var(--nectar-extra-color-1) !important;

    It will take up any accent color that you add as accent 1 in the salient > accent colors settings.

    I hope that helps.


  •  10
    MediaV7 replied


    I'm going to use the 'Menu Bottom Bar' header option.

    Is it possible to make the menu row take up the full width of the browser? I'd like to add a background colour.


    Attached files:  Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 09.46.40.png

  •  3,056
    Andrew replied

    Hello again,

    Thank you for getting back to us.

    Try adjusting this option in the theme settings and let us know how it goes.


    Kind regards,

  •  10
    MediaV7 replied

    Thanks Andrew,

    For some reason that option isn't available with the 'Menu Bottom Bar' header option?

    Also when I try with any of the other header options (ie. Centered Menu Alt), it still wraps a container around the menu row, even when I also turn on the 'Full Width Header Content' and 'Default (Expanded to screen edges)' options.


  •  9,060
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Please setup the header as you wish and provide the page URL so we can take a look at what's possible.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •   MediaV7 replied privately
  •  9,060
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Just adjusted the settings.

    Add this into the Custom CSS box in your Salient Theme Options panel (We write all Custom CSS in the Live Browser to ensure accuracy. If you cannot see any changes, make sure there is no red cross in the Custom CSS Box as any syntax error would cause all CSS under that line of code to not show up on the Frontend):

    #header-outer:not([data-format=left-header]) #top>.container>.row .span_9 nav {
        background: #ff1053 !important;
    body.material #header-outer[data-full-width=true]:not([data-format=left-header]) #top nav>.buttons {
        margin-right: 30px;


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  10
    MediaV7 replied

    Thanks Tahir,

    How did you get the 'Full Width Header Content' option to appear?

    Also, is there anywhere in the template files where I can customise the code for these headers? I find it great that there are some pre-defined header templates, but it would be good if I could use one as a starting point and then add my own code to it.

    Thanks again,

  •  9,060
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Yes, you can add it like this: 


    Try using the pre-built templates in the Salient Studio: https://themenectar.com/docs/salient/salient-studio/ .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  279
    Noah replied

    Hi Austin,

    1) The full width header content option will appear after selecting a header layout in salient \ header navigation - layout and content related area. Then saving and refreshing the page. The option should appear then.

    2) As for the header files customization , there is no specific files that match the prebuild layouts. The header areas is spread in the files in salient \ includes \ partials \ header \ folder. You would need to check the code in those files so as to alter it as you need.

    Hope this clears things up.

  •  10
    MediaV7 replied

    Hi Noah,

    Sorry for the late reply to this.

    Is there any way to create a header/menu layout like the attached?

    There isn't an option in the Salient settings, and when I try to create a header.php override with my own header code (and remove the salient header code), it still loads code from the Salient theme and not my code.


    Attached files:  Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 14.54.56.png

  •  9,060
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Yes, this should be possible with some CSS snippets to adjust the menu positioning.


    ThemeNectar Support Team