  Public Ticket #3374741
Display the brand with the product name


  •  1
    nicolas started the conversation


    I would like to display the brand of each product in the shop pages (and also the product pages)

    i attached a screen of what i was thinking about, I know there is not a brand tag in woocommerce, but im happy if i can just use like the page builder or something and simply put a display text with the brand name

    Attached files:  screen ticket salientheme.png

  •  1,988
    Judith replied

    Hi Nicolas,

    Thanks for choosing Salient.

    I am afraid we don't have this option at the moment even with the page builder, however this article can be so helpful in achieving this https://woocommerce.com/document/product-badges/.


  •  1
    nicolas replied

    Thank you for always beeing so reactive :)

    i will have a look thanks