  Public Ticket #337783
Video height in portfolio item is not respected


  • Michael started the conversation

    I am encountering a problem where a video in a portfolio page is jumping in size between  the "preview image" (poster image for the video) and the video player itself. In most cases the preview image is cropped on the height and once the image is clicked to begin playing the video the actual video player window is smaller than the preview image. The player bar in the video window remains equal to the width of the preview image but not the video itself. 

    I have tried resetting all values and even replacing the files with new media but to no avail. Is there anything I'm doing wrong and how can I solve so that the preview image (posted image) stays in the same size as the video player windows. 

    In this case, both the poster image and the video are both of 1280x720 pixels.

  •  1,095
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Michael, are you using v5.0 of the theme? If so, please allow me to log in so I can inspect the backend of that page better :)


  •   Michael replied privately
  •  1,095
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey again!

    Could you let me know what browser you're seeing this on? Currently I'm unable to actually replicate the problem shown in your screenshot in Chrome/Firefox after multiple loads

  • Michael replied


    It appears that after the latest wordpress and theme update together with a complete reset of cached files the site performs as expected. I remember the issues appearing some time back and seemed to stay around for the last two months or so. I should add that I have been updating wordpress in conjunction with releases of the theme to avoid incompatibilities.

    All good now though. Thanks for a great theme.