  Public Ticket #339219
issues on website


  • beverly started the conversation

    i am having a small issue with how a spot on the page looks. i have attached an image.

    where it says "One Comment" it has these symbols next to the word ">One Comment

    I can\'t seem to find it and get rid of that.

    also the social links on this page only cause the page to go to the top instead of giving the option for sharing the page on social media 

    Please help!

  •  9,099
    Tahir replied


    Please see screenshot: http://prntscr.com/5ix7y6  . You will have to turn them off in Salient Theme Options -> Portfolio Section. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • beverly replied

    i turned it off but the buttons still don't work

  •  9,099
    Tahir replied


    Seems like the theme code is customized, is it so ?.  If yes please contact the person who made the changes or update the theme with the original theme files. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team