  Public Ticket #339224
AJAX page transitions and standart widgets


  • Alex started the conversation

    Hello, I have problems with AJAX page transitions and standart widget "Meta" (or with simply text widget with links to log in, register and admin). This widget don't work with AJAX. Everything works without AJAX or if you hit these links with "open in a new tab/window". Seems that ajax page transitions can't process you from site to admin pages. Also I use skin "ascend", but it seems that header and floating sidebar looks slightly different than in your ascend demo (closing X button in different place).

  •  9,099
    Tahir replied


    Have set the ajax method to Standard, http://prntscr.com/5ix8zk  . Should work alright now. 



    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Alex replied

    Thank You! Seems to be working now! Still can't figure out why it's not worked earlier. I had these ajax settings, and it was not working, but now works good!