  Public Ticket #3399786
Blog adjustments


  •  4
    UtopiaDM started the conversation

    I want to make adjustments to the blog styling but can find any options to change?

    I'd like the following changing on the blog as shown on the homepage....

    - Remove the blog post preview

    - Make the space smaller between the date and photo and also the space at the bottom of the blog

    - I want to make the blog heading text smaller

    - I'd also like three posts to be shown on the homepage on desktop and just two on mobile

    - Remove the category from the featured image

    The above applies for all places the blog is on the website.

    Can you please help.

  •  4
    UtopiaDM replied

    Any ideas?

  •  1,988
    Judith replied

    Hi There,

    Thanks for writing to us.

    - Remove the blog post preview

    Please share screenshots for this so that we can get a better understanding.

    - Make the space smaller between the date and photo and also the space at the bottom of the blog

    Please try this css:

    .blog-recent[data-style*=classic_enhanced] .article-content-wrap, .masonry.classic_enhanced .masonry-blog-item .article-content-wrap {
        padding: 0%;

    -- I want to make the blog heading text smaller

    Please try this css:

    .masonry.classic_enhanced h3 {
        font-size: 17px !IMPORTANT;

    - I'd also like three posts to be shown on the homepage on desktop and just two on mobile

    I am only seeing a single post, please let us know the other posts you are referring to.

    - Remove the category from the featured image

    Please try this css:

    span.meta-category {
        display: none;


  •  4
    UtopiaDM replied

    Two of the codes worked, so we still have these to try and sort.....

    - Remove the blog post preview

    - I want to make the blog heading text smaller

    - I'd also like three posts to be shown on the homepage on desktop and just two on mobile

    - Heading on featured blog smaller

    I've attached a photo which will hopefully help.

    Attached files:  Untitled-1-01.png

  •  3,057
    Andrew replied

    Hi there,

    1) To remove the preview use the following CSS:

    .masonry.classic_enhanced .post .excerpt{

    2) For smaller blog heading text use the following CSS:

    body.single.single-post #page-header-bg h1.entry-title {
        font-size: 2em;

    Think this was dealt with in another ticket you have open with us.

    3) About adjusting the number of posts per row on mobile and desktop, with the masonry blog style its not something we can control. The number of posts per page is set up automatically by the code and its not something we have control over. If you edit any of your posts, you should have a post configuration section with masonry sizing. You can use that to try and adjust the masonry layout a bit. See attached screenshot of the option we are referring to.

    4) For smaller featured blog titles on the blog posts page here https://www.mentalhealthfc.org/#blog use this CSS:

    .posts-container .post .post-header a {
       font-size: 0.6em;

    Hope this clears things up.


    Attached files:  Edit-Post-“Hello-world-”-‹-stage-—-WordPress.png

  •  4
    UtopiaDM replied

    Thank you for all of those!!

    If I used a different blog style would I be able to do three on desktop and two on mobile?

    Is there a way to adjust the padding of blog post heading sections? Above the categories and below the date?

    Lastly the recent blog post on the homepage looks perfect now but on the actual blog page there's a strange line and i'd like to get rid of it please and it also seems to be messing up the padding? https://www.mentalhealthfc.org/blog/

  •  3,057
    Andrew replied

    Hello again,

    Thank you for getting back to us.

    1. You can add this CSS to show 2 blog items per row on mobile.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 690px) {
      #search-results .result, .masonry-blog-item {
          width: 48.1%!important;      
          margin-right: 10px!important;
          margin-bottom: 25px;
          margin-left: 10px!important;

    2. To adjust the padding, you can add this CSS.

    .single .heading-title[data-header-style=default_minimal] h1, 
    body[data-ext-responsive=true].single-post #page-header-bg[data-post-hs=default_minimal] h1 {
        padding: 40px 0 40px 0;

    3. Try adding this CSS and let us know how it goes.

    .post-area.masonry .post .post-meta {
        display: none;

    I hope that all helps.

    Kind regards,

  •  4
    UtopiaDM replied

    1. Unfortunately didn't work (see attached), instead are we just have one post showing on mobile please?

    If that isn't possible can we please have it so two posts are on each row on the homepage please.

    2. Please see attached for what I mean.

    3. This worked, thank you.

    Attached files:  Untitled-1-02.png

  •  1,988
    Judith replied

    Hi there,

    2. Please try this css instead:

    .single-post #page-header-bg[data-post-hs="default_minimal"] {
        height: 43vh !important;

    Please let us know how this goes.


  •  4
    UtopiaDM replied

    Unfortunately, it didn't work, please let me know about the other change also please.

  •  1,988
    Judith replied

    Hi there,

    Please send in your admin login details so that we can test the css and make changes to what works for your site.


  •  4
    UtopiaDM replied

    user - ryan

    pass - hsbc6568

  •  1,988
    Judith replied

    Hi there,

    The css I sent last has reduced the spaces as shown here, please let me know whether this is helpful:



  •  4
    UtopiaDM replied

    I've sorted it, I had to adjust the header height in the settings below.

    There's just one thing remaining i'd like to sort now and it's having three blog posts on desktop and two on mobile please.

  •  3,057
    Andrew replied

    Hi there,

    The blog element does not have the option to set the number of posts per row for different screens.
    You are also using the masonry blog styling which means the layout of the blog is determined by the styles's javascript and the post configuration option on each individual post edit page. There is a masonry item sizing option in that post configuration section as shown here https://www.mentalhealthfc.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=220&action=edit.

    If you need something with a bit more control you can try the post grid element in the page builder.
    Hope this clears things up.

  •  4
    UtopiaDM replied

    Is there a guide as to how to do it through page builder?

  •  3,057
    Andrew replied

    Hi there,

    Just to clarify the previous information, the blog element does not have the capability that is, setting the number of posts to show per row.

    The masonry sizing option will dictate the number of posts per row.
    See the attached screenshot of an example post-edit page.

    You can try to edit your posts and adjust that to try and get the layout you want with the masonry styling on your blog element.

    The other thing we suggested is you use the post grid element instead of the blog element. See attached screenshot post_grid_element.png

    That element will allow the setting of number of posts per row.

    Hope this is more clear.

    Attached files:  masonry sizing option.png

  •  4
    UtopiaDM replied

    The post grid element does look more customisable but you still can't have a different amount on desktop to mobile?

    On other themes I've been able to turn rows off on Desktop and turn them on on mobile so we could have three posts showing on Desktop and just one or two on mobile.

    Any ideas?

  •  1,988
    Judith replied

    Hi there,

    I am afraid we don't have the option to hide posts, we only have an option to hide rows and columns. However I would love to take this as a suggestion to help us improve on our coming features.

    Please feel free to contact us in case of any other queries.


  •  4
    UtopiaDM replied

    Where is the option to hide rows?

    Can I hide rows for desktop but show them on mobile and the opposite way?

  •  3,057
    Andrew replied

    Hello there,

    Thank you for getting back to us.

    Here's our guide to hiding and displaying in rows using the page builder responsive elements https://themenectar.com/docs/salient/page-builder-columns/#:~:text=Fancy%20Box-,Responsive%20Options,-Width.

    I hope that helps.

    Kind regards,

  •  4
    UtopiaDM replied

    I'm sorry but I've clicked the WP page builder but I can't find how to create the blog section to see if it's possible?

    If there a guide as to how to use it?

    I'm very experienced on Wordpress and managing websites but I can't work out how to create something in the WP page builder?

    All I can see is this......

    Attached files:  Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 10.57.23.png

  •  3,057
    Andrew replied

    Hello again,

    Thank you for getting back to us.

    Unfortunately, if you want to edit the default blog page, the page builder element does not apply to it. You'd have to create a blog page using the page builder and change the default blog page you've created: https://wordpress.com/support/posts-page/.

    You can try adding CSS to hide the rows you want to hide on the blog page.

    I hope that info helps.

    Best regards