  Public Ticket #3412565
Off Canvas menu demo settings


  •  1
    Ecuascott started the conversation

    How can I get my off canvas menu to look like demo?

    1. My Off Canvas menu slides, I want it to drop down like in the demo.

    2. My Off Canvas menu items are missing the animated underline. 

    Thanks, long time salient theme user.

  •  279
    Noah replied

    Hi there,

    1) Could you try and alter the dropdown style from salient \ header navigation - off canvas menu - Off Canvas Menu Style.

    2) Could you link us to the exact demo you are referring to? They are all listed here https://themenectar.com/salient/ at the bottom Demos area.

    Also, try the animation options at salient \ header navigation - animation effects - Header Link Hover/Active Effect


  •  1
    Ecuascott replied

    Hi Noah,

    I have toogled the off canvas header navigation - animation effects for quite some time. Trying different options, while comparing to the Salient demo. I can't find the exact options to get drop down action like in the demo. and need help getting animated underline. What you options in the salient demo are used? 

     when I use the off canvas, my submenu options slide rather than drop. What did you guys do to get the demo? Also, help me on the animated underline option? 

     I am using salient since 2013.  -thanks for the help

  •  1
    Ecuascott replied

    My offcanvas at cedarvistahomes.com the off canvas menu subitems slide, I need them to "drop" like the salient demo. and also that little white action line to function. thanks 

  •  279
    Noah replied

    Hi there,

    Can you point out the exact demo you are referring to from here https://themenectar.com/salient/#demos please as we requested so we know the exact demo you are referring to, we see if we can get your off-canvas menu to look the same?


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  •  9,059
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Try using the other Off Canvas menu styles in the Salient Theme Options Panel . See screenshot: 


    Also adjust the Line Settings in here: 



    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  1
    Ecuascott replied

    Hey Tahir, that worked. thank you, I also had to change theme to "material" --Now I have have double menus in off canvas. Please advise. 

  •  1
    Ecuascott replied

    2 menus screen shot

    Attached files:  Screenshot_20230713_094443_Chrome.jpg

  •  1
    Ecuascott replied

    Tahir, thank you  nevermind on double menu, I found code snippet in a previous ticket. 

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1000px) {    body #slide-out-widget-area .mobile-only {    display: none !important;

  •  1
    Ecuascott replied

    Please last question on mobile header, how did demo slide menu out of the way as I scroll up? thank you

  •  3,054
    Andrew replied

    Hello again,

    Thank you for getting back to us.

    You can disable the off canvas menu as shown in this screen shot.


    To remove the main navigation menu, you can do this by going to appearance > menus > manage locations and unassign the menu from the top navigation.


    I hope that helps.

    Kind regards,

  •  2
    ecuascott replied


    Yes, when turn "On" the off canvas Menu like you are suggesting, it also activates a off canvas menu on my desktop, I need no off canvas for desktop. please advise

  •  2
    ecuascott replied

    I found a solution using a previous tread, I fixed using code:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px){
    li.slide-out-widget-area-toggle {
        display: none !important;

    This issue is good to go.