  Public Ticket #3413269
Resize Header on Scroll not working using Fullscreen Rows


  • roninmarket started the conversation

    Hi, I'm currently putting together a website with the 'Resize Header on Scroll' active. It is working correctly on all pages except the pages where I need to use Fullscreen Rows - on these pages the header does not resize on scroll (it remains in place at original height)?

    If you can please advise if I have missed a setting somewhere to make this work, as I could not see any reference saying it does not work with Fullscreen Rows?


  •  3,057
    Andrew replied

    Hello there,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Try switching to the original skin in the Salient Theme Options Panel -> General Settings.  

    The Header resize on Scroll feature works with the Original Skin. You will have to turn it off if you wish to use the Material Skin.

    Try this and let us know how it goes.

    Kind regards,

  • roninmarket replied

    Thank you for your reply, Andrew.

    Before trying this, will the skin change affect all the custom CSS and Salient settings I have already applied across the rest of the site I'm in the process of building? I've made quite a lot of customisation to how things display, so am nervous that if I switch skin it will result in these needing to be reworked?


  •  3,057
    Andrew replied

    Hello again,

    Thank you for getting back to us.

    The Theme Skins only apply subtle changes to the Page Elements, the most major changes appear on the Theme Header. I would recommend making a backup of your current setup so you can restore it if anything goes wrong. You can also test this on a staging/local environment to avoid any disruptions to your live site.

    I hope that helps.

    Kind regards,