  Public Ticket #343023
Jumping Portfolio Columns


  • Armshouse started the conversation

    Hello again,

    Can you help me figure this one out please...

    Single image portfolios with sidebar seem to be jumping about as you scroll. Appears to be happening in Safari and Chrome.




    Might be an issue from previous versions of VC ?

    Any ideas welcome.


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey AG, if you've ensured the issue isn't coming from your child theme or custom css/plugins please allow me to log in so I can see what's going on better :)


  •   Armshouse replied privately
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied


    I would need a Google Authenticator code in order to log in as well :)

  •   Armshouse replied privately
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Thanks - when I activated the parent Salient theme the issue seemed to go away, have you ran through your child theme styling rules to ensure none are effecting it?

  • Armshouse replied

    Hi, sorry I've taken so long to reply - I forgot this was open!

    Issue is still there on 5.5.3, I don't really use the child theme for styling, only to do things like specify custom 404 so it stays between updates.

    No big deal, I will change the style of the affected portfolios to something else that looks nicer lol.

  • Armshouse replied

    Hey guys,

    This issue never went away, but I think I\'ve figured it out...

    When importing the main theme CSS to a child theme using \'@import\', this works OK, but if you do it the WP recommended way using wp_enqueue_scripts action and use wp_enqueue_style() in the child theme functions.php, this is when the columns jump.

    I\'ve gone back to using \'@import\' and this is now OK. Just thought I\'d mention that here in case anyone has been having the same issue or the devs can recommend another way to call the parent theme through functions.php

    Kind regards,


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey! Thanks for noting this,

    I\'ve marked to investigate this further :)
