  Public Ticket #346341
Font & Icon Issues


  • Benjamin started the conversation


    I'm having font issues and icon issues when displaying the website on Google Chrome, Firefox, etc. The website in Safari looks fine in terms of icons but the heading font on my contact page looks outlined on my Macbook Pro 15 Retina but on my Macbook Pro 13 (non-retina) the fonts and icons looks fine in Safari. (not sure why) 

    Some other issues i have:

    2. When trying to look the portfolio page on my iphone 6 is fine but on the iphone 6 plus the portfolio hangs and start a reload loop. 

    3. When looking the website on my macbook pro 13 (non-retina): The 2 buttons below my picture (my story & portfolio) on the home page looks very weird. 

    Can you help me with that?



  •  9,099
    Tahir replied

    Hey Ben!

    Please see screenshot: http://prntscr.com/5phu1y  . Also see : https://coderwall.com/p/v4uwyq/firefox-fontface-cr...  . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Benjamin replied

    Thanks for your response I'll try that in a bit and let you know.


  • Benjamin replied

    Ok, seems that the plugin you showed me was the reason for the Lovelo font not showing on Chrome and Firefox. But there still some other fonts issues. Also the icons are not displaying correctly on Chrome and Firefox. I still having problems with 2 and 3.



  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Ben,

    2. Try setting some pagination type since you have a fair number of items (infinite scrolling would be my recommendation) 

    3. Is there anyway you could provide a screenshot in regards so I can see what you mean?
