  Public Ticket #351617
Images not resizing


  • Bruce started the conversation

    I'm playing with my home page design and when I originally put pictures into my testimonials, I put them in at 125 px wide. When I looked at the images, I thought they were a little large so I went back in and resized them to 100 px. wide. However, I've updated and refreshed my page (and tried on other computers) and I'm still getting the images at 125 px. wide. Is there something I'm missing? Or do I just need to delete the images and re-enter them at 100 px.? Thanks!


    P.S. Again, this is my test site before I go live so don't worry if everything doesn't look right :-) It's a work in progress.

  •  9,053
    Tahir replied


    We actually have width set to auto for all images to make them responsive. if you want them a certain width you will have to do so manually by adding inline css as i have done in this screenshot: http://prntscr.com/5sd59z .  



    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Bruce replied


    You ROCK! Thanks!
