  Public Ticket #3527932
problem moving site, slaient options disappear


  • hounds started the conversation


    I have the Salient them loaded on a developer domain. When I migrate the website from developer domain to the final domain, the options setup in the Salient options panel don't migrate, they go back to the default settings.

    I migrated the site manually 

    1. copied files by ftp to new domain
    2. backed up database from developer domain and loaded  to new domain
    3. updated an urls in database and config file that required the new domain
    4. updated config file

    Can you please let me know what else needs updating to stp this happening again.

  •  3,056
    Andrew replied

    Hello there,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    You can try and export the settings from your old site and then import them to your new theme in the salient theme settings as shown in this screenshot. You can do this in the Salient Theme Options Panel -> Import/Export Section: See screenshot: http://prntscr.com/a3o149 .


    Alternatively, you can try and use a plugin to clone and migrate your site. You can use free plugins such as "MigrateGuru""All-in-One WP Migration",  and others depending on which ones are supported by the hosting provider.

    I hope that helps.
